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This site is designed to keep our friends and family up to date with the ongoing events that take place in the lives of the Nics (The Nicols) James Ch 1 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.............

Letter to Ethiopian court

Why Is Branahue Haptu a special case for adoption?

To The Court of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa


Dear Sirs/Ms

We would petition the court to grant an adoption for Branahue Haptu along with his younger sister Masa on the basis that he is a special needs child. Both of the children are Orphans and live their elderly grandparents and 20-year-old uncle in Wolo Ethiopia.

Bernanu Haptu.jpg

No one knows when BranHue was exactly born, however we believe he may be around 9/10 years of age .He has been given a birth date of 1 1 00.

Both parents died of aids or Malaria and he has been raised with his sister mainly by his 20-year-old uncle Siseri.

As a child he developed Scoliosis of the spine, which resulted in a 116-degree bend in his back, it caused a large bulbous lump to form.

Branahue was diagnosed by Rick Hodes as being in urgent need of Spinal fusion surgery in America at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. He was flown there by mending Kids and has had spinal fusion surgery in order to help his back become much more straight. He is now returning home and will be out of the emending kids program

His right hand has also been modified in order to allow the three fingers to become two working fingers with pinch or pincer capability.

Branahue has been diagnosed with a birth defect on his right side, which has caused a number of problems. Please find a list of the known medical conditions from which he has been afflicted with.

1. Scoliosis of the spine

2. Right Fore arm missing

3. Three fingers missing on right arm

4. Partial hearing problem on Right ear

5. Heart Murmur

6. Right Leg shorter than left leg

7. Shadows of Tb in lungs

8. Teeth in poor condition 7 have been filled two removed

9. General behavioral issues with moods and withdrawing into himself

10. Dreadfully shy in front of new people refusing to speak

11. No education and a general fear of new places.

We have acted as Foster parents for Branahue for the last 6 months.

We have three children Kimberley 22 Christopher 20 and Bethany 12.We are people who simply love children and have always had little people around our feet for the last 22 years.

We would love to give Both he and his sister Masa a home where they will have two parents and a family of people that will love them firstly.

Our medical system in America will also be able to treat Branahue and adjust his spinal fusion as he grows. He and his sister will be educated in the states. They will be given the best that we can to help them with the special needs that Branahue has also.

Our two oldest children are at university and are working away from home .We have the room and have the God given desire to share our lives with these two children.

I would ask if you would consider our plea to adopt the children. It would be an honor to raise them and maybe one day see them return as Doctors to Ethiopia……….

In life many people talk about helping children in need…here is a chance for us to really switch on love, care, tenderness and give the children an environment where they will be treasured loved and formed into two fine young people.

Please consider our application for adoption.


Jim and Caroline Nicol.


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