Welcome to The Nicol Family Blog.

This site is designed to keep our friends and family up to date with the ongoing events that take place in the lives of the Nics (The Nicols) James Ch 1 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.............

Saturday Morning

It has been 4 days since since his operation, and wee Bernie is in pain!!! The doctors were going to give him another pain medication on top of the morpehin, but have decided against it as it thins the blood and they do not want that due to him going back into theatre on Tuesday and the risk of bleeding!!!!

Jim slept at the hospital last night again, he seems to get comfort when one of us is here at all times, so it has been quite tiring, but the Lord will give us the strength, both physically and emotionally.

This morning the doctors came in and said that his CT scan showed a nodule on his lung!!!! They want to do a skin test for TB today, so pray that, that will come back negative and that it will not be anything more sinister!!!!

Thanks for all your prayers, we really do feel them!!!! Keep them coming.

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